Working with the Responses
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Your response handler workflow will get pinged on any "action" the bot can see. Bot installed as an application in a Team, newly created channels for a Team it's already installed in, channel deletion, reactions to posts made, comments made on posts, etc. What I primarily was working to build out was a workflow that will handle the responses to the different action buttons.
To do that, you need to understand the JSON payload that comes with the bot response. The primary part that you're concerned with is the "body":
There's quite a bit of useful, acitonable information that you can get from the "body"
If you've properly built out your "Action.Submit" "data" fields, then the piece of the "body" that you'll be most interested is "value". Here you'll see the properly formatted approval body needed to send the SME approved service ticket to Azure DevOps
By building this information into the JSON for the action, you'll be able to pass the information from the response handler workflow to the sub-workflow and action as needed.